Been a great week for fungus!
Here are just some of what I found from my area in York county to Montgomery county.Archery season is here so I am in the woods a good bit. :)
That also says wear your orange!!Espescially on any state gamelands!!I can tell you first hand-The arrow is just as,if not more,effective as a gun!
100% kills on deer here,and you won't walk away!BE SEEN!The hunters are in cammo so you won't see them.Check the trees as you go. :)
Hi All,
Here are some illustrations to help with tree id.Some types fungus are tree specific,so it helps to know what it's growing on!
Print these out and you can cut them out,maybe laminate them and carry with.
Found this on the web...thought with Morels being on everyones mind,we may all find this useful! :)
Hi all!I'm in Indiana working.They have had no rain for 78 days! So mushroom hunting has been pretty much a waste of time :(
The dust is inredible!All day its in the air and invades everything.My lunch is even gritty!Hope the rain comes soon,I would like to have some good finds to show from the midwest.Maybe find some edibles!Crossing my fingers :)
Found these in a state gamelands near Dauphin.
I believe the first ones are Jack o lanterns?The second ones are a mystery to me.They were growing out of a live Poplar at the base and have a much different look to them.
These grow in very large numbers on a large mulch pile i know of.I've never seen these before.There were litteraly a thousand of these there.
I found this behind someones house!It's in one of those tiny woods surrounded by houses in the capital area.I thought it was worth sharing simply because it's so cool! :)
It also has a smaller brother on the opposite side of the rotten locust limb.
I'm very interested in what this is!It has no yellow,but looks chicken like.But there is no yellow!It doesn't look like the hens I found before,so what Is this??
I found this last fall and know where there are about 10 trees with these growing on them.They wre bowling ball sized and I didn't see any yellow.Sorry pics aren't good :(